A partial list of past and current V.J. Blake & Associates clients.

“I really appreciated your talk on Moral Leadership at the Colloquium. As a principal and a pastor’s wife, I really appreciated that you were integrious – that you just shared who you were, and it was obvious that you live out your beliefs! Thank you!”
“I have thoroughly enjoyed learning from you today, and I’m so looking forward to working with you in the near future. The way you presented the feedback to the teachers was both non-threatening and encouraging. In my every day walk, I look forward to every opportunity (both good and bad) that allows me to grow. I thank you for providing me that opportunity today.”
“Thank you again for your wonderful work… So many of the folks we saw during the breaks were bubbling over with enthusiasm for the ideas and suggestions you offered.”
“I really enjoyed your talk with us today. I came straight home and started looking up the books you suggested… Thank you again for your words of wisdom.”
“I am so grateful to you for the excellent professional development that you provided to us… The feedback from the participants was overwhelmingly outstanding and complimentary.”
“I just wanted to let you know that for the first time in a very long time, I left a professional development workshop feeling excited, inspired and in touch with myself as a teacher in the best possible way. I’m pretty sure that your visit to Greensburg Salem School District is going to create some kind of impact… you offered us a vision of what is possible… of why it’s possible… and how we can begin to forge a path in the right direction.”
“You have definitely made an impact on the teachers in our system. Your visit was a topic of discussion among the educators who attended the Magnet Schools of America conference in Las Vegas, which in itself is a testimony of the difference you are making in our system!”
“YOU WERE AWESOME!!! We have received positive comments about the conference, about you as an individual, your keynote and the follow-up session. Thanks for making our conference a success.”